Arthritis Relief Institute

What is Causing Your Joint Pain?

What is Causing Your Joint Pain?

Have you ever started to experience joint pain and wondered what exactly is causing it? We see many patients for joint pain in our office in Dallas and this is a question that we have to answer quite frequently. There can be many joint pain causes and it is a fairly...

New Year Less Chronic Pain

New Year Less Chronic Pain

Every year we see our friends and family members make their resolutions for the new year. You may have some of your own this year. Perhaps you are going to try to kick an old habit or learn a new hobby this year?  For those living with chronic pain, one of the...

Ketamine Infusions

Ketamine Infusions

More than 50 million adults in the United States are affected by chronic pain. Chronic pain is pain that carries on for longer than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment. Those that suffer from chronic pain know that it can greatly affect their way of life. It can...

Sleep and Chronic Pain

Sleep and Chronic Pain

Sleep is essential for our bodies to function at their best. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults get seven or more hours of sleep a night to be at their healthiest. However, when you are living with a chronic pain condition, it can be a...

Keeping Away Holiday Headaches

Keeping Away Holiday Headaches

For a non-migraine sufferer the holidays can be a time of year that can definitely make your head pound. Trying to cook meals for our families, dealing with visitors, shopping for presents, there is so much going on. It can be full of stress, lack of sleep, poor diet,...

Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

Over 54 million people in the United States suffer from Arthritis. So it comes at no surprise that many people look for ways in their everyday life that they can make changes to ease their arthritis pain. The experts at The Arthritis Relief Institute always work with...