Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

Over 54 million people in the United States suffer from Arthritis. So it comes at no surprise that many people look for ways in their everyday life that they can make changes to ease their arthritis pain. The experts at The Arthritis Relief Institute always work with...

Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis Pain Relief

DALLAS TX . ALLEN(COMING SOON) Arthritis is one of the most common causes of chronic pain among adults in The United States. In fact, 23% of all adults or over 54 Million people are currently suffering from the condition. And of those 54 million American adults, 1 in...

Hyalgan Injections

Hyalgan Injections

At ARITX there are a variety of services to treat osteoarthritic pain of the knee. Initial forms of treatment are simple painkillers, prescription painkillers, physical therapy, and exercise. While we do offer those, Hyalgan injections delivered at our office by our...