Category - Sport Injuries

Untreated Sports Injuries

Untreated Sports Injuries

What happens when sports injuries in Dallas, TX go left untreated? Injury is an inevitable part of life. While some are comfortable reaching out for treatment, others may be more reluctant to seek help. Sports injuries especially can easily be overlooked as you may...

Sport Injuries: The Most Common

Sport Injuries: The Most Common

If you are out on the field as a highly trained athlete or just love to play a weekend game with your friends, sport injuries can happen.  The Arthritis Relief Institute has a variety of alternative treatment options to help you get back in the game in no time. The...

Treating Acute Injuries

Treating Acute Injuries

DALLAS TX . ALLEN(COMING SOON) We've all experienced a pain that we have assumed that will go away on its own; but seemed to linger for months and months. These consistent pains can be a nuisance. Oftentimes those pains can be more damaging than we realize, however....